Friday, November 9, 2012


If you have to wait in line more than 20 minutes to vote, your state has failed you.

A few states attempt to make the oversight of voting nonpartisan, but for the most part its at best bipartisan, with two factions duking it out to get the upper hand. And often if you have a republican governor, you will get pro republican changes, and vice-versa.

Voting *should* be a technocratic problem. Rather than making political appointments, states should appoint accountants, researches, and scientists to measure results and improve the process based on hard facts and science. If some of your counties have wait lines over 20 minutes, you are imposing a burden on voting that will cause some of the electorate to walk out of line, or not even show up. For those counties where you fail this basic promise of government, you should spend more time and money to improve access - more booths, more staffing, longer hours.. whatever works. Counties that fulfill this promise can be maintained or even have their funding reduced.

Hopefully the recent insanity in Florida, Ohio and similar states will bring more attention, and better solutions, to this obstruction. The first promise of democracy is the ability to vote and change what you don't like. When we fail that, we fundamentally fail as a country.

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